Requited Journal

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Submission Guidelines

Due to the online format, we prefer shorter submissions. Please address all submissions to the appropriate editor following the specific guidelines below. If your work is multi-genred, please choose the category under which you would like your work to be considered. We have to file it somewhere and your choice of genre will let you know which editor is making the final call on your work.

Include contact information and a short bio, and attach your submissions as an rtf, docx, or doc file. 

Fiction: Send short stories of under 2500 words to the Fiction Editor, Amanda Marbais. (Shorter fiction of around 1000 words is preferred. Please send one submission at a time and wait for a response before submitting another piece.)

Poetry: We enjoy poetry that uses language creatively and leaks into other genres or other media. Send us your visual poem, your poetic manifesto, or your poem formatted as a play. Please send no more than 5 poems of no more than 3 pages each to the Poetry Editor, H.V. Cramond.

If your poem contains visual elements such as drawings or unusual spacing, in addition to the Word document, please also submit your poem as a jpg or gif sized to 7 x 9 inches and formatted as follows: remove your bio, cover letter, or any other identifying information you might have included in the word document; type the title of the poem in all caps; if the poem is from a collection, type from in lowercase letters, followed by the title of the collection using initial capitals; include two spaces between the title(s) and the poem; if you are submitting multiple poems, start each new poem on a new page.

Nonfiction: Essays and criticism of 5-8 pages are preferred. 

Performance Text: We are interested in writing related to performance. Play scripts, monologues, texts used in performance, created through performance, or creatively responding to performance are all welcome, as is work that attends closely to movement or spoken language, is meant to generate performance, or that documents or imagines performance. Performance in this context means an engagement with embodied speech as a source of language, as well as the potential for written language to be interpreted through performance. Performance works created as video, audio, or visual pieces can also be submitted in digital formats, however we prefer text over straight documentation of live performance – in other words, submit only recorded media in which the media is a necessary aspect of the performance as conceived, otherwise submit text. Please remember that Requited’s foremost concern, as a literary journal, is that your submission function in this context as text on the page, or as recorded media, with minimal supporting or explanatory information. Works up to three pages (under 5 minutes for recorded media) are ideal for the format, though longer works may be considered. Please send submissions to: Ira S. Murfin, Performance Text Editor.

Please be patient while we go through our reading process. Response time should be around 8-10 weeks. You will probably hear from us much sooner. If you haven't received a response after ten weeks, please feel free to nudge us with an email at We typically publish two issues a year: one in December/ January and another in late spring.

Requited Journal